“Nov 3”
In light of tomorrow being Election Day, we are putting out a new free track simply titled “Nov 3”.
If you are lucky enough to be able to vote and haven’t already done so, please go out and VOTE. Your vote counts. If it didn’t, they wouldn’t be working so hard to prevent you from doing it.
Aren’t you tired of waking up every day to more bad news, aren’t you tired of listening to his lies, his divisive and hateful rhetoric, his nonsensical rants, his utter confounding stupidity and lack of empathy and common decency? We are!
Aren’t you tired of their gas lighting, their hypocrisy, their incompetence and their self-enrichment off the backs of regular hard-working people? We are!
They don’t care about you.
They only care about power and money.
We are all expendable in their eyes and the only way to show them how wrong they are is to vote them out and to try to turn this country around.
VOTE because it’s the right thing to do!
VOTE because if you don’t, things are going to continue to get worse.
Don’t believe everything you read without researching it. Use common sense and try to put yourself in the shoes of people who are in need. Whether it’s children in cages separated from their parents or people who have lost their jobs, businesses and homes due to the pandemic that is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans and continues to escalate regardless of how many times you are sold the lie that we are turning the corner or that “I don’t see the hospital beds being full”.
It’s not all about you. If you want to live in a better country and a better world you have to think beyond yourself and show compassion, empathy and understanding for ALL of the people around you, not just the ones who agree with you.
Please vote. Let’s make America somewhat sane again
Patrick and Adam
Release of new Album Re:Evaluate
verb : to evaluate (something or someone) again especially with regard to changes or new information
Re:evaluate is the fourth full length album by Reunionunion. This collection of songs hits at the core of our current societal and dare we say cultural degradation. These songs are literally full of love, hope, desire and fear. The divisive nature of world politics are destroying all sense of normalcy and logic. Science has been attacked and undermined at every corner. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying, Families are being separated and caged. Our environment is being destroyed at a catastrophic pace, all in the name of capitalism. Could this actually be the decline and fall of western civilization? Are we not living in a dystopian nightmare where idiocracy abounds?
Honesty, truth, compassion, empathy are severely lacking in today’s version of the human condition. Religious zealots and biggots with moral ineptitude seem to have control of the powers that be. However, if we are to have a chance to reclaim and rebuild ourselves and one another we must be human and remember humanity. We must reevaluate the current scene in every way.
The self-titled album hit with raw introspective energy dealing with inner turmoil and universal truths while the follow up, Perspectives added a more polished dream pop element. The Siempre ep and the third full-length, Re:stored saw the palette widen even further with the writing and recording process more combined, collaborative and intrinsic to the creation of the songs which continues. If art and life are truly reflexive… let this album stand as proof. On Re:evaluate, the inner turmoil and universal truths are combined and laid out without pretense. There are still the hallmarks of the Reunionunion sound with elements of indie, shoegaze, post-punk, dream pop, psychedelic, britpop and syynthpop that feels familiar and new at the same time, but never complacent.
With that we ask you to Re:evaluate with us.
New Video “Ageless” Out Now
Taken from the upcoming Album Re:Evaluate
New Video “Hund” Out Now!
Taken from he upcoming Album “Re:Evaluate”
New single “Divison” taken from the upcoming new album “Re:Evaluate”
Re:stored is the 4th release and 3rd full length album by Reunionunion comprised of the duo Patrick Savage and Adam Watkins. Re:stored comes on the heals of last falls contemplation piece Siempre. This album sees the duo expand upon and refine their version of pop music through excursions in psychedelia, dream-pop, shoegaze, electronica and even hints of post-punk. Drawing on these influences Reunionunion have created a record that is rooted in the here and now, but also timeless. Re:stored has sounds of redemption alongside those of despair presented in a manner that empowers the listener to seek truth, honesty, kindness and love. In these dark times it seems fitting to harness that energy into something creative, something powerful and something beautiful. Welcome to Re:stored!
release of new EP “Siempre”
Hi Everyone,
We are happy to announce the release of our new EP (of sorts) titled “Siempre”. Listen to it HERE.
We will be releasing it exclusively through our own site www.reunionunion.com and our Bandcamp site: www.reunionunion.bandcamp.com.
Siempre is a nineteen minute track with four sections focusing on memories and moments that have, and continue to shape our lives. An ode to the past and a love letter to the future.
Usually we would never suggest people should listen to music in a certain way and understand that life being the way it is, most of us are constantly on the go and never have or can take the time to just sit still and listen to a nineteen minute track without getting a little A.D.D creeping in, but Adam and I would like to politely encourage you to take the time to listen to the song in one go whether taking a night time drive, going for a walk or any moment where you can just close your eyes for an extended amount of time without someone or something requiring your immediate attention.
Sometimes we forget to just slow things down, focus and really take things in. We hope that you might be able to take something from the song but at the very least get a moment to just breathe.
We are also almost finished with our third album which we are aiming to have out sometime over next few months.
Check out this review of "Perspective" by Alice Severin-also check out her blog HERE
In these interesting times, when even in the midst of doing something pleasurable, the siren call of the fall of western empire overwhelms and darkly enchants, it can be a little tricky to focus.
Music could go either way, like history. Either one could take refuge in slickly produced examples of the corporate machine drooling out the blood-tinged saliva produced by the bands they have chewed through, wiping their mouths on the money as it’s printed.
Or one could look doubtfully at anything new, pressing play with a certain trepidation. Another mean girls grab at the golden ring? Another ill-thought out idea, running toward the desperation of repetition? That’s always a danger for creating anything. Give them what they want, chase down an idea, repeat something someone’s always liked.
Then there’s always the hope that these difficult times, filled with coercion and false consciousness and consensus might lead to some renewal of energy.
So it’s pleasant when you press that fallen-over triangle and sense someone is trying, exploring. With energy.
A few weeks ago,
I was a sent a link to Reunionunion and their Bandcamp page.
Perfect? What’s that? Let’s not be disappointing like the left, tearing ourselves apart because everything isn’t just so. Especially as perfect these days frequently means “threw money at it, lots”.
So Reunionunion and their new album, Perspective, is filled with wonderful sounds. Like someone actually listened to the noises they were emitting before they pressed the record button. It’s a bit shoegaze-y, but really not as stoned. “Rock alternative goth indie new shoe gaze” says the page. Two guys – Patrick Savage and Adam Watkins. Two. Sounds like more. Ironically, could it use a bit more production here and there? Yes, possibly. But they have built something that is atmospheric and dreamy, and the best songs just feel so good, like a weird little book you found on the last shelf in an empty library. And it’s all filled with this driving energy, even in the more delicate songs.
The intro song, “Alright”, is the perfect mix of onslaught and tenderness. Just when you’re breathless, the chorus is there. “Nothing comes without a fight.” A rubber band guitar pummels you, just to drop you into something softer, just in time to have the drums remind you that the work isn’t done. Not yet.
“Photosynthesis” has that same push pull guitar. Nearly funk, the wah of the guitar sets up the frame for lyrics that remind you of all the reasons you need to turn up the volume that loud. That voice, wanting hoping. Cheerful melancholy. The soundtrack for these times. Why someone hasn’t snapped it up yet to use as a backdrop for visual media of any kind is a mystery. It belongs in someone’s angst filled road movie. Wherever the road is. Bedford Avenue or Route 1 or the A10 or el Camino de Santiago. Doesn’t matter.
“Visulat” is one of those songs that makes you look up to see what the title is. That guitar in the middle – ripping into you, to heal, to hear again and again. Nearly Nordic vocals. Distant, cold, while they reach out for you. The drummer on the verge of a second behind. That near syncopation that pushes you forward. Did I just press play again? So I did. Dream pop to play while the needles of everyday life, or your new tattoo, press into you. This guitar sound. The way it goes from taut to punishingly full…is pleasant.
“Need” is another surprising song. Usually everyone saves their best three songs for the beginning. So it’s always a pleasure when the rest of the album is good as well. The stately progression, with a bit of that sudden fast drumming. But those indie vocals. You don’t want me to change, you say? I don’t believe you. But I’m listening to the echoing bombast, so I don’t care. The sixties still distilled.
“Rinse” is more feel good to begin with. There’s so much energy here. The guitars work together with the drums. The chorus lets them down a bit, reaching for the anthemic. But that middle bit. Anyone could sway very happily to that, pint in hand, space pop enough for any Brooklyn night. Play live please. Union Pool. I prefer Shea Stadium. Anywhere.
“Apart” is like exploring genres. I wish they’d put up the guitar more than the drums, but hey. They’re a band that clearly listen to each other. A bit punky, oddly enough. That guitar, again, like a rolling, growling wave sweeping over anything in its way.
Then there is “Turner”, which reminds of a Kate Bush song. The bass opening up the universe. A little jazzy guitar motif. Not so much the bar band of last few songs, but more of a poetic thrust with that steady beat in the background. That guitar in the middle is really nice. More of that please. Delicate, slippery, and just good.
And then the last song. Everyone always ends with a statement piece. Well, wouldn’t you? “Times like this/nothing fits”. “Diseperate.” Neruda said that poets should work up to political poetry, as those poems were so difficult to pull off. True. But the attempt these days is worth a lot. There’s passion here as the rhythm guitar pulls us through, while life swirls around. Fade out.
Atmosphere, well-constructed sounds, a solid backing, and a bit of experimentation. From beginning to end, moments of power and design to induce thought and movement.
Video for Turner out now!
Watch it HERE
Check out our new video Photosynthesis on our video page or at https://youtu.be/SI3t9hn_GuU
Diseparate is a statement on how quickly we have been moving backwards as a society and how blurred the line has become between reality tv and actual reality. We are being brainwashed into thinking our value is measured by fame, money, possessions, power and greed and we are being sold a world where education, talent, compassion and understanding are unnecessary to achieve this.
We are being corralled by fear mongers who are all being controlled by self interest and/or self interest groups. We are all being pushed further and further apart from each other in a time when the internet and social media has brought us even closer together.
We are being taught to hate in order to thrive, taught to hate in order to survive. We have seemingly learned nothing from the past and continue to put our faith and trust in the hands of people who will continue to use us as expendable pawns in their search for more wealth and more power. We continue to let the needs of the few outway the needs of the many.
We must not become complacent, we must not become frustrated with a rigged system, we must stand together unified, peaceful and work towards a future where we are all equal and we all share the fruits of the planet that we must work together in order to save.
We must put aside our differences that others would use to control and separate us.
Watch the video here.
Read a review of our album in ELEVEN below..
Hello World, there has been some exciting news in the Reunionunion camp as of late and we are finally ready to announce it!
We have signed on with Chris Olley of Six by Seven fame with his new label Radio Bremen!
We will be the first release on this imprint with a limited edition 8 song version of our self titled debut album on real live tape cassette!
We are super thrilled and can't thank Chris enough for the kind words and energetic backing of us!
Check it out HERE
Interview with us on the brazilian blog "The Blog that Celebrates" up now.
Check it out HERE